you'd think as an editor i'd be able to write kick ass headlines, but alas, i can't. i can never sum up anything in just a few words. i'm wont to be cheesy and corny and attempt to be witty w/ headlines but then it ends up i'm the only one who understands them. so, eh, you got a crappy headline today.
i'm curious about something that's been sitting in the back, insecure, childish corner of my brain (of course it's a tiny space!). the idea is sitting there like a pouting kindergartner, head down, trying to act like it's focused on something incredibly fascinating on the floor when actually it's just pouting.
despite the fact that i've been blogging for what seems like ages, it's only been this year that i've ventured out to other blogs. probably only w/in the last six months or so that i've commented on other blogs. there are a few blogs i lurk on, simply because the blogger gets an assload of comments and i don't like getting lost in a crowd. then there are a few blogs that i'd been lurking on but finally came out and commented on and...nothing. i don't expect to become besties w/ everyone i read (though i have w/ many) but an acknowledgement would be nice. said bloggers either don't respond to comments in their own comments or maybe they email commentors, but not me. and, while i seriously do not stalk and comment in order to lure readers back to my web, i don't think said bloggers visit me. which is really, totally fine, but hello, SOME acknowledgement would be friendly. and the thing is, i really enjoy reading these blogs but am all like, wtf is wrong w/ me that you can't say hey, thanks for stopping by or SOMETHING??
of course this doesn't pertain to any of you. you are all lovely. really.
i know this sounds like whining (cos it is) but really and truly i'm in a kick ass mood today. tis friday; i'm about 80% done w/ my christmas shopping; i think we may be decorating the outside of the house this weekend; the hubs is home and i'm totally ready for the weekend to begin. now, please and thank you.
it would be polite to at least be acknowledge. i try to do as much when i get the wayward blog visitor, but mostly it is folks i know . . . sniff, sniff . . not that you that i know aren't fabu.
I always feel weird about leaving comments on someone's blog and responding on my own blog. It's like striking up conversations at the grocery store with strangers - some people do it with ease, and then there are people like me who look all akward and dorky doing it. But I think you're right, some common courtesy would be nice.
broad--i know you love me more than your luggage : )
crystal--i'm glad you don't feel weird about leaving comments here : ) in person i don't think i'm good at striking up conversations; and on blogs i'm timid at first, sort of dip my toe in w/ a comment and then if the blogger is friendly i jump right in and they're screwed because i won't go away.
YOu know I love you!
I try to comment on blogs when I get a new commenter. How else are we to get new readers if we don't show common courtesy?
I am glad you asked, because I am not really sure what the etiquette is...there is one blog that when I comment she ALWAYS emails me, and to be honest, I would rather she come by my blog and comment. If I get any comments, I always try to go by their place and comment...it's kind of like when we were kids...you spend the night at my house, then next week I spend the night at your house. If we are always at my house, I feel like you don't want me at your house. Ya know?
First time here and I'm pretty jealous. #1 That you live in NC.My dad is outside of Asheville and if there were more employment there I would be too. #2 That you have so much of your Christmas shopping done.
Here in the Detroit area we are all too paralyzed with economic anxiety to get in the spirit.
Does the "kerfuffle" have any relation to Anne of Green Gables? I've always loved that word.
k--right back atcha! i heart you too!
hotch--you hit the nail on the head. it's just reciprocity. i always check out the blogs of people who comment and honestly i only email w/ a few people from blogs.
mayor--welcome welcome! nc is not a bad place to live, though i really wish we'd get some snow, though not quite what you probably get. i finished even more of my shopping yesterday, go ahead and hate me : ) and kerfuffle--not any relation to AofGG at all. a few years ago a friend of mine dared me to work it into an article i was writing and get it in print; i did and she had to buy me lunch. also, i like the word and since it means disturbance or fuss and that's often what life is, i picked it : )
I always try to acknowledge comments. I love the fact that people take the time to comment on something I wrote. It's part of blogging to me. I don't understand not acknowledging something.
heinous--exactly! it's like ignoring someone when they talk to you. very rude.
yes b/c life should be more like steel magnolias . . .
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