show your wood or share your bush. here are the rules:
1. take this lovely bloggy button sherry made to your blog and post some pics of your christmas tree, hanukkah bush or other flora/fauna
2. let me know when you do so i can come visit your wood/bush
3. pass it along as you see fit. add any rules you want. do it or not. i'm easy.
4. the day you post the wood/bush on your blog you have to use wood and/or bush in a sentence when conversing w/ someone who will find it odd that you've said wood and/or bush.
5. if you do not have a blog email me your pics and i will post them here.
what? you're still here? btw--as for taggin? anyone reading this is officially tagged. that's it. go post your pictures. here are my mine. enjoy.
this is the girls' hand (salt dough) from six years ago. sniff sniff.
this is our first ornament. the hubs bought it for me when we were dating. we got it on a trip to rothenburg with his parents when we lived in germany. it's hand-blown glass, hand-painted and gorgeous.
this is the only ornament on my tree that actually has to go in a certain place. my great aunt gave this to me about 20 years ago, it's a tiny wooden birdhouse. it must always hang at the very tip top of our tree.
ok, i just clicked on the large version of my trees and feel a burning need to defend myself. first, remember, we have a new kitten this year. he likes the trees. he gets in them a lot. so, they are totally skewed funky looking and there is no garland cos i didn't want him ripping it off or hanging himself. two, the tree in the den is 50 million years old and putting it together means decoding the color codes on each branch and mostly the color codes have worn off and so i just guessed where the proper limbs went.
Babydoll, before you take the old tree down this year, go to the dollar store and buy a few colours of bright nail polish. Paint the tips of the branches, and the base of the holes for next year, for super easy peasy tree assembly. The kids will even do it for you, I bet.
I haven't decorated yet. I'm hoping to tonight, and then I will participate.
If anyone wants a link to the badge alone, here it is:
I think your trees look so pretty!!!! I love that you have more than one. I'm thinking about getting one to put on my front porch outside next year when they go on sale after Xmas.
shere--nail polish hell! i swear i'm getting a new PRELIT one when they go on sale this year. enough is enough. it really is like 11 years old. and it sheds! like a real tree. which i'd totally prefer but there's the cost and the killing of the trees and the fire hazard etc.
astarte--i vote for getting another tree. i'd have one in every room if they'd fit. ok, maybe not the bathroom, but i did see that online somewhere today. a tree, you hook it to the commode and when something hits the water the tree lights up. gross. unless it automatically sprayed pine scent too then that might be ok.
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