Random thoughts and musings on the mundane, extraordinary and personal from the twisted mind of a sarcastic observer.
Friday, August 31, 2007
hoppy friday
goggles. they want their goggles because they're swimming at daycare after school today. ok.
me: you two need to hurry up and finish getting ready.
the boy goes over to the dogs' water bowl; the girl has fed them.
the boy: ahhh!!!!
me: what?
the boy: there's a toad in their water.
me: ok, dump the water out. (i have on my new slippers and don't want to walk across the wet grass).
the boy: there's a toad in there, i don't want to touch it!
the girl: let me see!
me: boy, just dump the water out and he'll hop away.
the boy: i don't want to be near a wild animal.
the girl dumps the water out, the boy fills the bowl and i go inside to get in the shower. so i'm in the shower, shaving my legs.
the boy: (standing outside the shower) mom, what container can we put the frog in?
me: can you wait until i'm out of the shower i can't hear you.
the boy: the girl wants to take the frog to our science teacher.
me: no, just let it go.
he stomps out.
i get out, and am getting ready, then the attitudes come.
the boy: we can't leave it in the backyard the dogs will eat it.
me: ok, then put him out front.
the boy: how are we going to move him?
me: pick him up and carry him out front.
apparently the girl did this since the boy is afraid of "wild animals."
i walk back to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee. i check the back yard, the kids aren't there. i look out front. they're sitting on the sidewalk by my flower bed (oh, it's 10 til 8 btw, not that we need to BE anywhere like school or anything).
me: uh, you two need to finish getting ready we're going to be late.
the girl: yeah, well the frog's going to die out here since you won't let me take him to my science teacher.
me: no he won't.
the girl: there's nothing for him to eat here.
me: uh, bugs are in the front yard just like the back.
the girl: he'll get run over.
me: no, he has plenty of room to hop around out here.
the girl: he needs water.
me: he'll find water, that's what frogs do.
so this back and forth from both of them lasted all the way to school. i'm evil because i don't like frogs. he's going to die because he'll jump in the road. i tried to explain that if he went to school and was let go in the woods he could get eaten by a snake and there's also a road, a much busier road in front of the school. no matter, i've condemned this poor frog to death because he's in our front yard instead of at school.
the girl: so, when he gets squashed in the road will he go to frog heaven?
me: yep.
the boy: well, i guess at least we'll get to see him when we die.
the girl: oh, and i'm not going swimming at daycare today since i can't save any frogs.
me: ok, then i guess you won't want to get in the pool this weekend either huh?
the girl: well i guess i'll swim.
me: no, don't change your mind on my account, i don't care if you go swimming or not.
the boy: yeah, you don't care about anything but the dogs and cats.
so they got out of the car, blew off my i love yous and have a nice days and the attitudes were still alive and kicking.
though these mornings are amusing to look back on, they're really frustrating when you're in the moment.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
color me happy
Monday, August 27, 2007
Happy happy joy joy
Now I just have to jump through some hoops to get a passport and all of that will be taken care of.
I feel like a million times better this week compared to last. I don't think I'll soon get over the fantabulousness that was my party or the amazement that I feel over The Hubs. He's done a lot of tremendous things for me in the quarter of a century that we've known each other, but man, this has to be like in the top five things.
In comparison, when we gave my folks their cake yesterday for their 40th anniversary my Mom said my Dad didn't even remember. Ok, I know that might be a guy thing but DAMN. How could you not remember that you'd been married 40 years???
They say girls marry men who are like their fathers---that could not be further from the truth in my case.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
About a month ago The Hubs told me to save last night as a date night to celebrate our birthdays. (They're four days apart.) Donut came over to babysit the kids.
I had talked to my Bro earlier in the day about coming to a little family thing today. Initially it was to celebrate our birthdays until I realized it was my folks 40th anniversary so we were just going to make it their celebration instead. Bro was talking about how they were busy and my SIL is feeling the 1st trimester slump of being tired/hungry most of the time (yeah, I don't miss that at all!). So he said he might come over today.
Donut comes to watch the kids and The Hubs and I were going to dinner and then bowling. Five minutes after we left the house I realized I didn't bring socks to bowl in. The Hubs said he was pretty hungry and if we went back the kids would just want to come with us, so we'd eat then pick up a pair of socks.
So we had dinner on our date. Talked about the fact that we've known each other for 25 years, longer than I've known anyone else except my family. It was great. As we're leaving the restaurant, Donut calls.
The kids were rough housing in the bathroom and pulled the sink basin out of the wall and she couldn't get the water turned off. We had to go home. I was freaking out. Great, I said one more thing would send me over the edge and here it was. The Hubs is asking when Lowe's closes and is talking about buying a new sink etc. I'm just thinking Fuck, I'm really going to lose it now.
We pull in the drive, walk in the kitchen and I see all these decorations and food. I'm like WTF? Then there is a house full of people coming through from the hallway to the den yelling surprise. I was stunned! Almost all of my good friends were there (Guinea Pig you were sadly missed!). My friend Sunshine couldn't come but her hubby did, which was amusing. Everyone else I love was there, it was so very very wonderful.
My kids didn't say a word. All my friends and family that knew for a month or so didn't say a word. The Hubs and Donut really made this my best birthday. It was exciting, and surprising and it made me feel so special that they went to all of that trouble and that all of those people showed up to help me celebrate. It ranks up there with one of the best moments of my life folks, really. I don't know what else to say, it was awesome.
I can't even begin to tell you how many brownie points this has scored the Hubs and Donut : )
As people started leaving and the group got smaller we played a dice game. I'm not sure anyone but me was as into it, but they played like troopers : ) And I lost the game! : ) After everyone left we went swimming for a little bit ; )---that is until the jello shots and Donut Express's started making themselves known. I started feeling a little bad, had a little difficulty getting down the pool ladder, but I did make it inside before I hurled : )
The Hubs said he knew it was a good party because I started the night crying with happiness and ended it puking : )
I'm fine today, tired despite the fact we slept in and just took a nap. The folks came over, were surprised we had a cake for them (and such a great watermelon fruit basket! : ) i didn't take credit for it Big T) and snacks. My sister and I swam with the kids for a while and we all visited and they left.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
woe is me
first i must say that my last post started out saying i was drinking an iced coffee. as i'm typing now i'm drinking a caramel machiato. : ) love me some starbucks. drinking coffee because i pulled a hubs move and went shopping for his birthday the night before his birthday. sad. i knew what i wanted to get but hadn't had a chance to do so. it's sad that birthdays aren't more special when you're a grown up. i've neglected two friends' birthdays this summer and i hate that. well, i did have dinner w/ big t on her's (we were in vegas for work though). my sweet friend ts' bday was earlier this month and i didn't even think to call her.
ok so my last post i was sleeping in a shoe box in ny. since then i came home, spent two more nights alone w/ the hubs and then we headed to wv to pick up the kids.
we drove the rental (kia sorrento which was pretty cool) to wv and the hubs tried out an early birthday gift from one of his customers. the guy gave him a gps. the hubs was quite excited, though he said he felt odd accepting such as expensive gift, it's the only time a guy has bought him something so extravagant. anyway, the first day he got it he called me like 20 times telling me what it was doing. i wasn't as enthralled as he was but we used it on the trip to wv and it was pretty cool. granted, i know the way home, but it was cool to know that all these years we've pretty much been taking the most direct route.
we spent the weekend at auntie's which was really great because we hadn't seen them since my cousin's wedding in november. the weather was perfect that saturday. my other aunt, the one that kept the kids was camping so we went to the campground saturday afternoon. it actually got chilly out there sitting around the campfire. it was great though. i had to laugh because "camping" to my aunts is a camper with electricity, tv, beds etc. and my cousin hooked them up w/ satellite tv. oh, and they have a golf cart. i drove a golf cart for the first time in my life. that was pretty fun. the kids drove it too, of course they loved it. i couldn't help but wonder how much fun my grandma would have had with a golf cart back in the heyday when they all went camping.
we watched a dvd of family reunions/christmas' while we were there. since we've never lived close we never made it to wv for the big all family holiday thing. we're talking cousins you don't even know etc. they all get together at someone's house and there is a santa and gifts etc. it was fun and sad to watch. the glue of all of that i think was my grandma and her sisters, all of whom are gone now. but my mom's generation carries on the tradition. some of the years on the dvd included my grandma. even now, almost seven years (has it really been that long?) after her death, it choked me up to see her on the tv screen.
ahem, ok, moving on. so we made it home sunday evening. yeah us.
the boy was wheezing and coughing so the hubs took him to the ER. allergies. they gave him a breathing treatment and put him on steroids for three days. of course as soon was we walked in the door from the car trip we had to bathe rebel. i don't know if i'm being a good pet owner or not, he's pushing 17 years old and he's just falling apart. he's a long hair cat and apparently had some bathroom issues while we were gone. the poor guy was a mess. so we got that cleaned up, boy to the ER and then started trying to figure out how to juggle the kids this week since daycare is closed.
we traded them off and on on monday. tuesday the hubs had them w/ him driving to lenior. he called about 10 am, the boy had thrown up in the car. mmmm fun. so he went home, peptoed him up and he was fine the rest of the day. wed. and today i worked from home with them.
tomorrow, the hubs' birthday, we're splitting them again. saturday donut and ninja are coming over to hang out with them while we have a date (for our birthday) and sunday we're having the family over for cake and ice cream.
now, our biggest issue goes to press on monday so in the middle of all of this life stuff going on i'm having one of the busiest work weeks. oh and i have two trips coming up, the one to germany is a pain in the ass. so far i've spent about 3 hours on our corporate travel site trying to figure out how to get from here to there on the days i need to without spending 12 hours in detroit or ny. god i so wish i didn't have to take that fucking trip, not this year, not now.
i think whoever said that fucking stupid comment that god only gives you what you can handle should be shot. because i'll tell you what---I CAN'T HANDLE ONE MORE FUCKING THING!
oh, i forgot another thing that happened during our goat rodeo last two weeks. while we were in wv the hubs backed the rental car into a pole : ) yes, him, not me. just a tiny little spot that he covered w/ white out. oh, and a cigarette burn in the carpet and of course the aroma of throw up. of course it could have been worse. the day we went to wv my cousin was hit by a deer. yes, the deer sideswiped his saturn and torn the hell out of it. there was deer hair/skin (dna the girl said) still in the cracks of the car, all along the side of it. i almost puked. so, i guess a pole is better than a deer.
i miss my friends i miss my quiet life i miss my routine. the way i'm looking at it right now it will be the middle of september before we have any semblance or normalcy. then i sink further into depression and think this is the way my life is going to be as long as i'm in this job. great benefits are pretty much the only thing keeping me where i am. how do you walk away from good health insurance and a pension plan you pay nothing into? on the other hand, i don't know if i can survive staying put until i retire.
i'm seriously thinking i might need to be medicated.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Second night in the shoebox
I know I've been bitching a lot about the travel etc. and really there are two reasons, ok, maybe three. The first is that I've been away from home way way way too much this summer. I'm not cut out for that. I like our family routines. The second is that I go to the same places all the time, and though each (Vegas, NY and Atlanta) are great cities, except Vegas, on their own, after the first or second time you get over it. Vegas, the only things I like are the Bellagio fountain and that German restaurant I went to last September. NY I like Times Square and I like the European feel the city has--all the melding of cultures etc. the sidewalk cafes, the life. Aside from my first visit here when I made Guinea Pig go with me to the top of the Empire State building and another time when I went to SoHo, I haven't seen much. Atlanta, another Guinea Pig (and Donut) good time is Kyma restaurant, which I've not been to for a few years. The third thing is that by the time your done working for the day and if you don't have a work dinner you're pretty much worn out. And, now I don't really travel with my friend friends much. Donut and I get to hang out in Atlanta but that's the only place. Big T normally has a work dinner so I don't get to hang with her much. The other people I travel with are perfectly nice but they aren't my peeps, know what I mean?
Next subject. The Hubs had a wreck today. He's ok, but the car isn't. He was actually parked at one of his stores and not in the car and a truck hit it. So, now he has to go to Charlotte tomorrow and needs to get a rental car in the am--this happened at the end of the day so the car rental place was closed. My first thought when he called me was that he was in a wreck and hurt. WTF would I have done then? Found a way to get a flight home tonight. He's ok but having to deal with the car mess is a pain in the ass I'm sure. Mine of course is parked at the airport and I have the only keys.
What else? The kids are doing great at my aunt's. I felt weird asking her only because we don't really talk often. Not because I don't like her but just because we were never in that habit. Though, when I first moved back to the states after high school and into my first year of college I did spend a lot of time with her, stayed at her house, babysat my cousin (who's now in college). We just sort of fell out of touch I guess. I think she's actually enjoying this week. She said she's getting to know the kids--and hell, what's not to love about those great kids??? They're smart, funny, entertaining. And she says they've been really really good too. I'm so proud.
I get home tomorrow around dinner time. I think tomorrow night will call for some West Wing, maybe some nekkid swimming and who knows what else??!! : )
Oh, entertainment update. I went to the movies with Big T and another co-worker Sunday, we saw No Reservations. Good movie---HOT male lead. No idea who he is but the character was sexy, could cook and listened to opera. Sort of looks a little like Jon Bon Jovi. Yum.
And, I'm reading Kite Runner. If you have not read it, get it and do so now. I'm not finished with it but I probably will tonight. Not a book I would have picked up but it was recommended to me and it's a good read. I also brought the 3rd Harry Potter book, but can't put Kite Runner down so Harry will have to wait for the plane ride.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Smallest room in the world
see that curtain hanging beside the bed? that's the closet. the bed isn't a twin but i swear i don't think it's even a full size bed.
i've stayed in some small ny hotels, but give me an effing break! the first time i came to ny, when guinea pig was with me, we stayed at the Algonquin. cool hotel, history, Dorothy Parker, the Algonquin round table, writers, etc. and the rooms were small, but not this small. it is clean though and they're letting me smoke in a non smoking room. though i won't be smoking much, there's no ventilation.
i did get to see my friend TL today, though briefly. he's off next month to a marathon in Australia and in February he's in one in Antarctica. his goal is to run a marathon on every continent. how incredibly cool.
i was going to have dinner with him tonight but then a work dinner came up. then on the way back to the hotel it got cancelled so sunshine and i went to this diner on broadway, near our hotels, that had singing waiters. it sort of reminded me of that scene in pulp fiction in the diner. it was 50s like and they sang. cool. but i was battling the contacts still--could barely see today.
i'm getting sort of concerned that perhaps my vanity is getting in the way and i might just have to forgo contacts and wear glasses full time. what a bitch. so i'm pushing 40 and going blind. i have also discovered another disheartening thing about age.
facial hair. i started noticing this several months ago. i've always had some very light hair, like most people, but i've now discovered two hairs that grow quite long. shit, i'm going blind and will have to start shaving too. super! yeah me.
of course, being blind i can't really see them because i have to get too close to the mirror, but i can feel them and they are driving me crazy. life is cruel.
so the hubs is home alone tonight, battling a cold or cough or something. poor baby. we'll have two more nights sans kids when i get home then it's off to wv friday night to pick them up.
they are having a blast. they went swimming today at one of the cousin's house. the boy dove into the pool in the 9 foot area! i can't believe i missed that! of course, like always, when you talk to them when you're out of town it's about a 10 minute conversation. they're preoccupied and don't really want to talk on the phone. i guess that's better than crying and being homesick though. god i have great kids.
i'm ready to go home.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday afternoon
The Hubs and I were married for five years before The Girl came along. Our marriage has changed A LOT since then--all for the better. Looking back now I realize that those were not our five happiest years but we did have a lot of good times. Since The Girl and The Boy have come along we've had a night here or there to ourselves and for the most part they've been good. But one night every once in awhile isn't a week. With one night you feel like you have to make it perfect, you have a limited amount of time, pack as much as you can into it. But with a week...it's like a gift of freedom.
I'd forgotten what it was like to actually sleep until 2pm (yes, a waste but it felt good). I'd forgotten what it was like to eat on OUR schedule--meaning no set time just whenever we're hungry and not worrying if anyone else likes what we're having because we know what we like. I'd forgotten what it was like to just be us, together and be able to do whatever we want whenever we want. This morning we slept in (not until 2 thank you) and just sat and talked and drank coffee on the patio without being interrupted every 15 minutes to be asked a question or told so-and-so did such-and-such. It sounds like I'm down on my kids, but I'm really not.
Obviously we have sex even with kids in the house, but it makes a world of difference when you don't have someone knocking on your bedroom door or waiting for you to make dinner etc. Being able to take your time and slip into a doze afterwards, OMG, what a gift.
I think we should do this every summer. Send them somewhere for a week so we can have us time. And it's not just about the sexual freedom, it's about understanding that we are the foundation of this family and even though we love our kids more than anything else, we're the reason they're here, we picked each other for better or worse and we'll be here long after they've moved on to start their own families. We deserve us time so we don't take the rest of the time for granted.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Night swimming
So The Hubs threw me for a little bit of a loop this evening and then after I thought about it I'm thinking maybe he's not wrong. He said that he didn't know many people married as long as we've been that still love each other. Yes, of course most people love their spouse or sig other but to actually still be in love is another thing. This I think is a roller coaster thing for marriages. You may always love your spouse but aren't always in love with them. Anyway, he says he thinks we're unusual. I may agree because I don't know a lot of married couples who are actually in love or that feel like they're with their best friend.
Talking with one of the guys he works with (girls NEVER have these detailed conversations, ok, not that often anyway) but the guy was bitching because his wife's been in a bad mood for awhile. Like two years. So, being The Hubs with sometimes no manners and willing to say anything, he asked the guy when was the last time he performed certain oral stimulations for his wife. (Yes, you can bet he didn't put it quite so eloquently.) The guy, who isn't that much older than The Hubs said, well we just don't do that anymore. The Hubs was like, the hell you say. The guy was like nope, haven't done that in about 10 years. The Hubs said, well it's no wonder your wife's in a bad mood! Mine might get mad at me from time to time but she hasn't been in a bad mood for two years.
Kid update: They're doing great, had a blast today, met a lot of family members they didn't know. (WV family reunion.) They also let the cat out of the bag about the SIL being preggers. The Boy told my neice that the SIL had something in her belly. The Girl told an aunt that she had a special surprise secret. The aunt guessed it. What are you gonna do? They're kids with a secret.
Still facing an identity crisis, but we're doing fine. Meow Meow, on the other hand, is losing her mind missing The Girl.
Identity crisis
One thing to our benefit though is that The Hubs and I, though lost right now and a bit sad, communicate and exist and have a relationship that isn't centered on the kids. It's not like some couples I've heard of who don't have anything to say to each other after the kids are gone.
Big T called to check on us last night and suggested using the freedom of the house to try the dining room table : ) Nice. But not my cup of tea, not very comfortable so we aren't going to try that. I have discovered, however, that apparently in a past life I must have either been a vampire or been with a vampire because being nipped on the back of the neck is quite hot. I know, I know, TMI, but hell, what did you expect? : ) Also, you can get as loud as you want when kids aren't around.
We slept until 2pm today and are just now getting ready to go out and run some errands.
Still, it's weird not having my babies around, I'm not MOM this week. I've been MOM for the last 10 years. I think that, combined with all of this travel that has really sent me for a loop this summer and making me realize I might honestly need to start looking at a career change, are bringing me down. If one more person says, wow, you get to travel isn't that fun? I'm going to slap them. Yes, the first year or so it was fun, but now I'm totally over the whole thing and would not miss any of it. Trouble is, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up and I don't know what other job I could do here--here being in this area, not in the same company. I'm over the company too. Only saving grace is the benefits and my friends.
This summer has sucked. Too much travel, too much work. I thought when school was out and we were done with scouts for awhile it would be laid back, smooth sailing but it hasn't been and now school's just around the corner. I have friends I haven't seen all summer, barely get to have lunch with and only one of whom I know of that keeps up through the blog--TS. I miss my friends and I hate that this job is robbing me of so much.
Friday, August 10, 2007
My babies are gone
So, last week when I picked the kids up from daycare we get a note saying, oh, by the way, daycare is closed the week before school starts. Ok. Why? So the counselors can have a vacation before the back to school program starts. Ok. I swallowed that and The Hubs and I were working on juggling the kids that week between us at work. Not ideal but we could manage.
Yesterday when I picked them up I got a note that today is their last day of summer camp and it will be closed this coming week because of a bug infestation. Ok WTF to do now????
After about an hour of panic and trying to think of anyone we might possibly know that could keep the kids next week (I'm out of town for work M-W) I had the idea to call one of my WV aunts. Not Auntie because she now has a 9-5 job. One of my other WV aunts is a school teacher--no working during the summer : ) This weekend also is a WV family reunion, which we are not attending because of the weeks we've just come off of and the fact that I travel on Monday. However, my folks and sister/kids are going. So, the kids are riding to WV with my folks/sister/kids and my teacher aunt is going to keep them for a week then The Hubs and I will go get them next weekend.
My aunt is really incredible for keeping them for a week. It's not like we talk much at all but that didn't matter, she was like sure, it will be fun. Her only child is in college so she might have a rude awakening about having a 10 and 7 year old around for a week : )
The Hubs and I are sort of wondering WTF we're going to do with ourselves for a week. Donut said we'll have to remember what life was like a decade ago : ) Ah, that would be sleeping till 2pm on the weekend, eating dinner at odd hours, etc. But probably the biggest thing for The Hubs will be Mon/Tues when he's literally home alone. He doesn't do well. He's threatening to do projects. I'm scared.
My babies are gone for a week! The Boy has never been gone that long, never. The Girl has spent a week at Auntie's, but they've never both been gone at the same time. WTF am I going to do? They of course are excited about the whole idea and in fact are on their way to WV now. I am beside myself that my babies are gone! Shut up, I know I'm overly emotional, but they are my babies! They are supposed to be with me.
Gonna be an aunt!
I talked to my nephew the evening we found out, he's starting kindergarten this year. I asked him if he was going to be a Big Brother--he said, yeah, but not right now : ) I can't wait to see him around a baby, being a big brother. That is going to change the whole dynamic of their family. It's amazing. I always scoffed at people who said this and I'm sure most parents of one child still do, but parenting is a whole other ball game when you add another kid in the mix.
So hooray for the Bro and SIL!
The Hubs had a moment of panic because he said once she starts showing my clock will start ticking again, and yes, it very well might, but I'm passed my breeding years. As much as I adore babies, especially ones I'm related to, I really don't think I have it in me to have another one. I did love being pregnant though, really really loved it. At this point in life I'll just be happy with "practicing" making babies : )
I had a moment of panic because when my sister finds out she'll probably head to the nearest male to get knocked up. I know, evil of me, but it seems to be her motis operandi. Some one's pregnant, some one's getting attention, oh no, I better jump on the bandwagon. So here's crossing my fingers hoping she keeps her legs crossed.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
i'm drained. the in-laws weren't too happy that we didn't join them on this day trip thing but i really don't see how we could have done it. neither of us really wanted to anyway.
what a long strange weekend it's been. the house that we stayed up cleaning un 1 am thursday night is pretty much trashed. it's hot and humid and i'm feeling quite lethargic. the hubs has gotten about a dozen work calls despite the fact that he's on vacation. i'm dreading going back to work thursday. it's really getting to be too much. life shouldn't be this hard.
Monday, August 6, 2007
So they came back and last night I'd had just about enough of Bubba Ass. Really, folks, few people genuinely rub me the wrong way just by their very existence, but he does. I think I offended him a little when I said the only people I'd ever seen with little dogs like that were gay guys and Paris Hilton. He wasn't amused. He then tried to tell me little dogs have heart and are fierce protectors. I almost hurled.
They finally left this morning, well, ok, after noon today. We toured Mayberry : ) Yes. I know you're jealous. I really don't mean to be mean but it's not like I was thrilled to do that, not exciting, it was hot and humid, just not my thing.
Of course The Hubs hasn't had it much better. Each family member has taken him aside to talk about how inconsiderate the other one is being. Really? OMG. I am just so over the drama it's not even funny.
I'm ready to have my house back and chill out and watch West Wing. Even the animals are out of sorts. It does make me think twice about even trying to attend this family reunion thing The Hubs' California Bro is trying to cook up for next year. I really don't know that I could handle all of them together again in the same decade.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
My SIL also brought up that it makes you realize things about your own family. For as fucked up as my family is, we can at least get together, all in one house and not have drama. We do rib each other and get in some genuine jabs, but it's not like you're on pins and needles wondering if someone is going to kick someone else's ass or if someone is going to blow up. The Hubs' family is like this. Plus, in my family the drama doesn't happen in my face in my home. I can fume and get irritated about things my folks or sister do, but they aren't staying at my house.
Family weekend
Saturday afternoon we went to the flea market. I will never go to one again. Aside from the two adult movie/books stalls and the four head shops, I was just amazed at the seediness and nastiness. I went from Vegas trash to redneck trash in the course of a few days. Stall after stall of cheap crap. People walking around smoking inside (even as a smoker this grosses me the hell out) in various states of tacky dress. Bubba Ass was shopping for a pair of cowboy boots. I've told you about Bubba Ass--I am man, hear me roar, blah blah blah. Everything he has is bigger and better than everyone else, he's smarter, etc. Makes me sick. Looking around the house Friday night he asked how much the grandfather clock cost (his is bigger), etc. Anyway, back to the flea market. So, this big macho redneck guy sees a booth that's selling puppies. Chiuaua puppies. This dog is the size of a large hamster. You'd think that if you were staying at someone's house, especially someone with animals, that you know you'd like ask if you could bring another dog into their house. Nooooooo. Bubba Ass went to the ATM and got $400 out to buy a fucking chiuaua and brought it into my house without thinking or asking. I was furious. Who the hell buys a dog at a flea market anyway?
Late Saturday night the FIL and his wife and the FL BIL and his kids show up. Everything was pretty much fine I guess but it was quite a shock to see the FIL's wife---seeing as how she looks so very much like my MIL. The Hubs hasn't really said much about it, not that we've really had more than five minutes to actually talk alone since Friday, but it's bothering me and freaking me out to see them together, my FIL with his SIL/wife, so I can only imagine The Hubs and his siblings also are not tickled. I do think they've all seen them together though and this is the first time, other than the wedding, that The Hubs has seen them and it's the first time I've seen them as an official couple. I just can't work this out in my head. My MIL would be FURIOUS, I mean FURIOUS, that he married her sister, but they've convinced themselves that she would approve.
It's about 3:30 and the SIL and Bubba Ass have just left and The Hubs, FIL, wife and BIL went on a little tour and I'm here with the kids--by choice. : ) My nephews---weird to think of them that way but they are, are actually good kids. They're 11 and 8 years old. The Boy has already bonded with them and The Girl is reserving judgement I think. The last time we saw them, the youngest one was about 1 year old.
I'll try to keep you posted on the rest of the visit, but it will probably remain uneventful now that Bubba Ass is gone.