Saturday, May 19, 2007

Weekend of nothing

OK, now that I've purged myself with the Coming Clean blog it's time to start the weekend.

It's Saturday noonish and I'm on my first cup of coffee since I just got up about 30 minutes ago. I freakin' love sleeping in late. I love it. I think that was probably the hardest part about having kids for me---getting up early when they were young. Getting up in the middle of the night, no problem. Getting up and staying up at 6 am when they're 1-3 years old and are wide awake happy and ready to start their day at the butt crack of dawn, tough times.

So this morning I was lying there in that half dreaming half awake state just reveling in it when The Boy comes in---The Girl took my blanket. There was a blanket fight. She did this he did that, never mind, Mom's up now. Coffee and computer and I'm OK.

We have no where to be this weekend, no time table. The Girl's sleep over fell through so no extra kids or people : ) We're going to work in the yard, putter around the house and hopefully just relax and be a family this weekend.

I could slip into a little pity party of parenting here because The Girl is growing up. Seriously, she's going to need a bra. She's blossoming and it happened overnight. She's my baby, the one I waited five long years for and now she actually needs a bra. This time next year she'll be finishing fifth grade and getting ready for middle school. WTF? How did this happen? I was bringing her home from the hospital yesterday. Hearing her say pickameyup just the other day. Finding her in the bathroom with permanent black marker all over her legs just the other day; watching her throw her pacy in the trash on her third birthday; hearing her say she and brother were good dancers when he was only six months old lying on his back. OK, I'm getting verklempt--kids shouldn't be allowed to grow up. It's so bittersweet.

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