...well, not really. he likes reading stephen king books, just like me. the other day he was thumbing through some books on our shelves, which is pretty hard to do considering he doesn't have any thumbs, and he ran into THIS guy. he was pretty surprised actually, thinking of course that he was the only penguin around. boy, does he have a lot to learn.
I need a Stephen King break. It's been awhile and I miss him.
More penguins!
what a let down for the poor penguin!
i don't know what happened with me or with stephen king. i used to love his stuff, and then it just stopped. i don't know what the deal it. i just can't do him (well, read his works OR do him) anymore. i am sure the fault lies with me, and not him. humph.
It'll keep him on his toes to know he isn't the only option!
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