i would recommend this product. it makes everything....tingly...but not in a hot burning way....just tingly....and it lingers. it's a tingling lube. omg. really, you should try it.
in other news--we're having our holiday party, but it's after christmas and new year's eve party, tonight. the house is clean, the gnoshes have been bought, the beer is chilling and we're just relaxing until party time. we haven't had a party in a long time, so i'm looking forward to tonight.
you're still here? you should be running out to get that lube!
I know, right?
This is a weird story, but right after these commercials started airing, Mr. P and I were out having beverages. When we were leaving he said, "Do we need anything at the store?", and I said, "Well, this is kind of weird..", and he said, NO LIE. "That couples lube stuff???". He was psychic. We likey.
Sorry, Tracy.
Good to know. My hubs got the economy box of condoms for his stocking gift mostly because I had a coupon, they were on sale, and I like to mess with him like that. Of course, he took it as a hint for more which it wasn't. They really were on sale!
Oh, Bea...condoms for a stocking gift. AWESOME.
That's funny you should bring that up. I put this in The Wife's stocking. She was, um, "appreciative" of it almost instantly. I liked it too, but that alone was worth it.
Warren was always skeptical of this he was convinced it would burn....
This has nothing to do with that lube, BUT we used to get the biggest kick out of the spray on lube commercials...it just seemed so clinical and detached to SPRAY the lube on...
This is my first visit to your blog (found you through Heinous' post).
Your "new years day convo" cracked me up. I'll be back because I feel kinda naughty reading your stuff (in a good way).
Psst...There's an award for you at my blog.
hotch--it sounds like you and mr. p have convos like the hubs and i...one of us will say one word and the other has already thought of the conversation and responds. we do it a lot but i don't really pay attention to it anymore. it's like we have a secret language sometimes. and so cool that you likey too! i bet tracy will try it now : ) ha ha
bea--thank god we don't have to do the condom thing anymore. omg. and of course he thought it was a hint! i don't think guys can receive condoms and not think it's an invitation.
heinous--cool that another couple jumped on the band wagon. i had no idea it was such a wide spread thing. and also? thanks for the award. tres cool.
tracy--been there done the burning thing and it is not fun. this stuff srsly does.not.burn. get some. and spray on lube? i've never heard of that. but the teen boy in me is chuckling because we bought fix a flat at today : ) he he he
ib--welcome! and, it's not always naughty here. srsly. i'm a pretty random, schizo poster if i do say so myself.
I need to send Brad the link to your blog.
shere--go for it!
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