i got my first pair of glasses when i was in 9th grade. i couldn't see the chalkboard. they got a little worse as the years went by. i got my first pair of contacts when i was a freshman in college. i got my eyes checked almost regularly and i almost always needed a new prescription. we've been seeing our current optometrist for probably 7-8 years. oddly enough, his father owns the company the hubs works for and his younger brother is the douche canoe/lucky sperm boy who is the hubs' boss. this guy is nothing, nothing like his father or brother.
for most of my adult life i've worn contacts, which i'd take out in the evenings and then wear glasses. a few years ago it was time to move to bi-focal contacts. for four months i tried different combinations of bi-focals, multi-focals, etc. and i just couldn't find a good fit. exasperated i went to all glasses all the time and that's when i got the pair pictured above.
i knew my eyes had gotten worse since my last appointment (about a year and a half ago). i was having more trouble seeing at night (common in 80 year olds w/ cataracts). when i went for my exam this morning he was shocked at how my vision had changed, for the worse. the cataracts are growing. he described them as mirrors of each other, nice, petal-like cataracts that are actually kind of pretty. but....he's rarely seen such on a person of my age. now it is not a matter of MIGHT needing cataract surgery it is when. possibly 2-5 years depending on how they grow. nice. the upside is that when i do have the surgery i will most likely not need any corrective lenses afterwards and if i do it might just be reading glasses. the downside is that i won't even be 50 years old, they will CUT my lenses out, i will be AWAKE for the procedure and i'm sure it will be expensive, even with insurance. nice.
on the bright side, other than the cataracts, my eyes are healthy. i am getting new glasses. we have craptastic insurance so they are not cheap glasses. the lenses cost more than the frames and co-pay for the exam. i need multi-focal, which basically mean bi-focals with an extra focal thrown in there. they will be progressive lenses, and while there won't be that tell-tale bi-focal line in them, they will take some getting used to. i've heard bad things about progressive lenses, like they're hard to get used to and some people don't get used to them. great. i also needed a special glare coating, because of the cataracts and how they filter light. yep...i'm so excited. not.
I have progressive lenses on my glasses and have been wearing glasses full time for over a year now. Before that I was contacts, with reading glasses over them. I hear you on the expense - my lenses are so pricey (do you have Sears optical there? They have cheap prices. Also BJs wharehouse.)
Anyway - I'm bummed for you for having to do surgery! Ack! An old coworker of mine - who is our age - had cataracts surgery last year. He actually did really well with it and just had to wear reading glasses afterward... but ack. surgery. ack.
Oh - sorry wanted to also say - progressive lenses are awesome once you get used to them. Anti-glare coating is a bitch to keep cleaned. I just got my lenses (6 mos old) replaced without glare protection this time because I had too many scratches...
Sorry for blogging in your comments area...
It varies from person to person, so don't be too pessimistic about your glasses. Perhaps if you just follow your optometrist's prescription unfailingly, your eyesight might improve. And you're not alone! If you think about it, your case isn't that bad. :)
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