i have talked before about how i'm like a guy in many ways. ok, many stereotypical ways--for example, i don't like to shop that much, i can burp on command and after sex i just want to roll over and go to sleep. seriously, don't crowd me and don't talk. i'm just sayin'. and, i must confess i'm quick. most of the time embarrassingly quick. the hubs always ensures i get mine first cos hello, it's better for everyone that way right? right. so, it is not unusual for him to outlast me, but if ours is not a simultaneous event he ususally wraps up pretty soon after.
however, last night. lord help me. i seriously began to think he'd either whacked off earlier in the day or scored a little blue pill (cos he's always wanted to try that and has threatened to get one but lord who the HELL needs four hours of anything???). he kept on and on and on. dude was quite proud of himself, ya know, being that he's an ancient 42 and all. i'm thinking perhaps i need to start taking a little blue pill.
I'm going to live vicariously through you, because, honestly, this Cipralex bullshit that I'm on to make me "normal" has taken my sex drive, hit it over the head with a shovel, and buried it on the bottom of a lake, wearing cement shoes. When I go back to the doctor next month, I'm asking for little blue pills.
shere--i wish that women owned and ruled the drug companies because if they did there would be a female viagra AND someone would surely develop a pill for men that makes cum taste like chocolate (or pick your favorite flavor).
ok, I usually never comment on these posts (shy, and all) but I think I'm at the point that I'm so damn tired that me being done quickly is enough. How sad is that?
kaykay--lol, it's not like you don't have your hands full. you know you can say whatever you want here, your family's not around ; ) plus, i do believe things get better as the kids get older and you have more time. i also believe the female sexual peak is late 30s-mid-late 40s. that's just my guess.
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