this is pretty sweet actually. first, i don't think anyone has ever described me/my blog as charming. do people even call each other that any more? i do like that it's given to bloggers who aren't looking to dominate the blog world, i mean, we're just here to do our thing and make friends. i like that sentiment.
so thank you heinous. i don't know eight bloggers to pass it on to, i just don't get out much. i'm a private, shy person (LOL). so i'm not doing 8, but i'm doing these peeps cos i like reading them and i'm fairly certain they will post their awards : ) and spread the lurve.
hotch potchery
sherendipity (tho i think you gots one of these)
raising steamboat (cos if i liked my younger sister i think she and i would have a relationship like tracy and hotch)
not your (or my) aunt bea (cos i don't have an aunt bea)
muddled sage (cos she's been quiet lately)
just some thoughts
You are very deserving. Congratulations, and thank you for passing it along to me.
Congrats and thanks for passing it on to me! I think your blog is charming too. And hilarious!
Awe shucks, I humbly accept!
you are all very welcome! YOU deserve it.
thank you very much. i'm not so good at passing things on. kind of not very confident that people want awards from me. i'll get there. but i thank you very much for your kindness.
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