Although I'm not that great of a photographer, here are some shots from my hotel room in Arizona. It really was pretty, and I can understand the area has a certain appeal. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the cactus because those were pretty impressive.

I wonder though about geographic preferences and if it has anything to do with were you were born or raised? As an Army brat it was always a challenge when people asked, "Where are you from?" I always answered WV because that's where I was born and where my roots are. At this point in life I've lived where I live now longer than I lived any where else, but I still say I'm from WV.
I grew up amid mountains, four seasons, green grass and flowers. Visiting Arizona was nice but I could never live there. I need mountains. Even today, when we visit family in WV, though I no longer consider it home, something comes over me when we cross the border and enter WV.
The Hubs, on the other hand, did live in AZ and loves that climate. He still talks about wearing shorts on Christmas Day, which would simply kill me. I'm having a hard enough time realizing that winter's basically over and we didn't get one great snow storm.
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