today we went to the folks house for a cookout, thanks to the prompting of the hubs last weekend. once again, the frito bandito (as the hubs has named him) spoke very few words. like maybe 5. wtf? seriously folks, how can you sit in a room full of people and not speak?
when the sil first joined the family she was reserved but she still joined in conversation. but frito? even when people try to draw him into the conversation it is a simple yes or no answer. he does not engage, does not respond. i just don't get it at all.
my dad cooked ribs, which were undercooked (not good for pork products) and then secluded himself in the den as usual.
the bro and sil escaped this wonderful evening. i personally could have done without it too.
I had a BIL that was like that. He was only a BIL for about two years, because that was when my SIL discovered that he had been cheating on her with everyone she knew and was leaving her for yet another woman, whom he had lied to about already being separated.
i'm convinced frito totally does not speaka da english. "yes" and "no" are probably the extent of his vocabulary.
I agree with Trish - don't think Frito KNOWS any other words in English. I wondered how the cook-out went - luckily you did not have food poisoning on top of it - ALTHOUGH, that may have solved the Frito problem.. Heh.......
pork can be a little pink, i promise. that whole thing has been grossly exaggerated in my opinion.
the hubs may have gotten food poisoning; i don't think he's been well since that dinner.
i think frito knows more english than he's letting on.
the hubs was talking politics (odd i know) and then everyone took that online poll to see who you're most likely to vote for? one of the ?s was about a path for illegals to become legal. the hubs says to frito, you came here legally right? he said yes. the hub asks, so how do you feel about making illegals legal? do you support that? he said no. you can tell he's listening to things he just does not speak.
and broad--i know pork can be some pink but i'm just not ever sure about food that's cooked at my folks house : )
oh and as to astarte's comment--the girl says she gives them like 6 months. i'm really not expecting this thing to last past 12 months myself.
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